
GJA meeting with Kumasi Traditional Council on August 29, 2022.

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) will meet with the Kumasi Traditional Council on August 29, 2022, to talk about the Kumasi Traditional Council's order to shut down Oyerepa FM.

This is in line with the GJA's promise to look into all ways to solve the problem, including talking about it.
This information may be found in a statement released by the GJA on August 26, 2022, bearing Mr. Kofi Yeboah's signature.

According to the GJA, “Shortly after learning of the Kumasi Traditional Council's decision to shut down Oyerepa FM, the GJA promptly made arrangements to send a team to Kumasi today, Friday, August 26, 2022, to meet with the traditional council and management of the radio station.

The group was urged to postpone the expedition for Monday instead, as that was seen to be a suitable day to meet with the traditional council.

The Association claims to have been keeping an eye on the shutdown-related events over the last two days and is “very worried” about the Kumasi Traditional Council's actions, which it claims “have the potential to damage the accomplishments of the country's young democracy.”

During a meeting between the Kumasi Traditional Council and the Oyerepa FM managers, the acting president of the council, Baffour Amankwatia VI (Bantamahene), told the Kumasi-based broadcaster to stop working until they had traditionally cleansed themselves of letting the founder of the United Progressive Party (UPP), Akwasi Addai (aka Odike), use their media platform to criticize chiefs in Asanteman.

As a sign of regret toward Nananom, Oyerepa FM/TV stopped broadcasting in response to the order.
The GJA holds that although Nananom could have been offended by Odike's remarks on Oyerepa FM, they might have addressed the issue in a way that didn't undermine the country's democracy and press freedom.

The 1992 Constitution made detailed provisions for the operation of the two institutions with the goal of encouraging them to use their respective powers to promote national development. We want to emphasize this fact because it is true that the media and chieftaincy have a crucial role to play in national development.

Concerns were raised by the GJA about “recent events in which traditional authorities are coming down hard on the media.”

The Association condemned these events and told its members to “show strong professional standards and be careful in carrying out their duties, especially when talking about the issue at hand.”

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