
“You Don’t Deserve a Husband if You Cannot Use ¢20,000.00 For Wedding”- Anglican Priest.

Father Pius Azegli, the Anglican Priest of St. Peters Cathedral at Obenimase remained from his seat and waved his hand to the gatherers to declare his presence when the MC of the show Bernard Duah, held the amplifier to acquaint the righteous man with individuals. We are honored my kin; to have the man himself with us is definitely not a simple undertaking, so give one more show of approval to our instructor and tutor, Rev. Fr. Additionally Azegli. The group in one accord yelled and applauded as the appointed godly man went for the receiver from the MC and requested the group to sit down.

I'm respected to be in your middle, the dad expressed prior to hello the group to his lessons of Marriage Before and After. We are accumulated here to get familiar with a thing, however, make it your predetermination to leave here with a spouse or husband, the Priest said empowering the group as they generally yelled, Amen.

You can't express so be it to a gift in the event that you are not prepared to give your life meaning. Last week I was there considering what to do when a couple slammed into my office that, I should guide them. I took a gander at their countenances and one thing was clear, there was the question in the event that the marriage planned to remain before the wedding and after the wedding.

Try not to burn through the entirety of your assets on a wedding, my kin, the program is a one-day occasion and it won't be associated with even ten days, yet the way that you treat your significant other and spouse after the marriage individuals will discuss. The couple situated before me thought I planned to ask them inquiries they had practiced yet I went off the book.


I requested them the expense from their forthcoming wedding and I was stunned that, the lady had planned ¢50,000 whiles the man had the option to raise ¢42,000 sitting tight for the leftover ¢8,000. I inquired as to whether she could utilize ¢20,000 for the wedding and she really said no.

You don't need such a lady, I told the man. A lady who will believe that you should spend more than whatever you procure in a year on a one-day occasion isn't a lady you ought to engage with. In the event that 20,000cedis can't set up a wedding for you, you don't merit a spouse. I told her not too far off.

We should be prudent in our obligations for higher weddings. On the off chance that your pay in a year is more than your wedding costs, you are not getting hitched yet getting into colossal obligations and battles of neediness. Weddings ought to mirror your status, do straightforward weddings and appreciate pampering marriage.

Have a ¢20,000 wedding and save the remainder of the cash for your marriage spending. Get a few great vehicles, construct a few decent houses and live easily in that marriage. Individuals will recall you are unfortunate marriages forever, however, won't ever recollect costly weddings since weddings are simple occasions, the cleric Rev. Fr. Pius Azegli said in finishing his discourse on Marriage Before and After this evening.

By: Randy Osei Akoto Citixen


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