
This is the Shocking Reason for Fuel Price Increase – Driver’s Association

According to the Driver's Association, this is the Reason for Recent Increases in Fuel Prices.

It is possible to recall that since the beginning of the year, fuel costs have been subject to a consistent increase. Everything in the country has been affected by this, which has made life for Ghanaians intolerable.


The Driver's Association, along with other stakeholders, met with the transport ministry, which was represented by the deputy transport minister, in an effort to find a long-term solution to the persistent increase in the cost of fuel. This meeting was held in an attempt to find a solution that will keep fuel prices stable.


The minister, Fredrick Obeng Adom, provided a startling explanation for the ongoing increase in the cost of fuel over the course of the meeting. He explained that because Ghanaians did not embrace LGBTQ people, there would be no reduction in the taxes placed on fuel. The high cost of fuel can be attributed, in large part, to the taxes that are placed on various fuel products.

This is the Shocking Reason for Fuel Price Increase - Driver's Association

According to Kwame David Mawunyo, a member of the Driver's Association, the minister was quoted as saying that petrol prices will continue to rise because Ghanaians are unwilling to accept the LGBTQ community. This information was provided by Kwame David in an interview with Ahoto 92.3 FM.

Other people who were present at the meeting included the National Vice Chairman of the GPRTU, the General Secretary, the deputy Secretary in charge of operations, the Chairman of the Chargo Driver's Association of Ghana, the COPEC Executive Secretary, Kofi Danso of Ghana Committed, the Co-operative Chairman, and the Protoa Chairman.

The drivers' reaction to the minister's response to their concerns was negative, and as a direct result of this, the drivers have given the government their word that they will respond as quickly as they can. Kwame David disclosed that the meeting was cut short as a result of their annoyance with the minister's reaction.

He disclosed that the drivers and their stakeholders will be meeting together on Friday to discuss the next step, and he also dropped hints about a potential strike action against the government.

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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