
Ofori-Atta can take Ghana out of economic hardship – Akufo-Addo defends Minister’s performance

According to President Akufo-Addo, his ministers were performing below continuous evaluation, and once he was certain that this was the case, he would take appropriate action.

When he visited Kasoa as part of his tour of the Central Region, he was responding to requests for him to undertake a reshuffle in his administration due to the current economic difficulty.
I'm not failing to pay attention to what people are saying, I assure you. “Opinions are crucial for our democracy, but at the end of the day, I have to make the decision on whether or not some people should go,” he remarked.

In response to public pressure for government minister Ken Ofori Atta to resign or be fired, President Akufo-Addo stepped out to defend him.

He said that a government official gave him the assurance that, based on his prior achievements, he could help the nation out of its current economic difficulties.

“This same government minister, people are currently calling for his death since he was the awful man who successfully removed the United States from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) program and assisted in producing the 7.5% rate we had prior to the COVID.”

People these days have forgotten that because of the problem we currently have. He hasn't changed, but he remains the same character, and from what I can see, he remains as determined as ever to figure out how to get the United States out of this horrible state as he was at the beginning of our administration, he said.

On Friday, President Akufo-Addo turned the first sod at Papaase for the construction of the 16-kilometer Kadoa-Bawjiase Road, which is expected to cost GHC93.9 million and be finished in 2024. Along with inspecting the Agenda 111 project in Gomoa Afransi in the Gomoa, he also undraped a gas cylinder industrial plant in Chochoe and a material industrial plant in the Gomoa East District at Fetteh, all below 1D1F.

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