
NCA implements corrective measures against users of unregistered SIM cards

The National Communications Authority (NCA) has declared its call to roll out some punitory actions against users WHO haven't registered their SIM Cards. This new move is predicted to require impact from weekday, Sept five, 2022.

knowledge services for a consecutive batch of numbers are going to be blocked for two days weekly on a motility basis.NCA rolls out punitory actions against unregistered SIM card users from Sept five
“MNOs [Mobile Network Operators] shall divide the unregistered SIMs into 5 batches for the aim of implementing this punitory life.

“These measures shall exclude a block of SMS to offer defaulting subscribers the chance to initiate registration if they therefore would like. Subscribers WHO register their SIM Cards inside the amount they need been blocked can solely be unblocked by the MNOs once the forty-eight hours to avoid the MNOs meddling with their systems intermittently,” elements of the statement scan.

The Authority additionally asked MNOs to arbitrate with the Electricity Company of the Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana Water, and alternative service suppliers to make sure that their data-only SIMs are registered punctually. The Director-General conjointly directed the MNOs to tack their systems to facilitate the employment of passports for non-resident Ghanaians till December 31, 2022.

“MNOs shall place disconnected SIM Cards in a very holding class and current subscribers of those SIM Cards shall tend six (6) months to register their SIM cards, failing that these numbers are going to be churned by the MNOs.”


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