
Menzgold saga: I don’t own anything in Ghana, not even a car – Nana Appiah Mensah

In the ongoing scandal surrounding Menzgold, in which victims are persistently seeking justice for their lost investments, the Chief Executive Officer has depicted himself as the most significant victim of the entire fiasco.

This has led to victims continuously demanding justice.

Nana Appiah Mensah, commonly known as NAM 1, has stated that he is the one who is suffering the most as a result of the consequences of the crisis, which come as the demands for accountability continue.

The basis for NAM 1's argument is that he has suffered financial setbacks on a personal level as a direct result of the collapse of Menzgold.

He emphasized that the failure of the company had stripped him of all of his possessions and left him destitute.

Menzgold saga: I don’t own anything in Ghana, not even a car

During the intense discussion that was taking place on social media, he made the following declaration: “If you want to crown the biggest loser in all of this thing, I am the one, because I lost everything: I lost all my properties, and I don't even have a car of my own here in this country.”

This information became public on Monday, August 22, 2023, during a discussion taking place in the Twitter space.

Nana Appiah Mensah utilized this opportunity to make it clear that, contrary to the accusations that have been levelled against him, he has not personally benefited from the monies provided by the clients.

“If one individual has lost that one account, it means that the biggest loss needs to be the person who shed the most weight. My mother and my sister both put money in, as did my wife and my in-laws.

My mother also put money in. Is that right? Everyone I know invested, including myself, and I have really wonderful connections in Spain, Europe, and other parts of the world who also invested and encouraged other people to do the same.

Therefore, it is not like transactions in the sense that, as I explained the day before, the corporation packs the money and provides it to me, and then I take it to my house on a day-to-day basis. That's not how the system is supposed to work.”

In response to charges that affected customers have died and others have suffered blows to relationships and health while they were drowning in debt, he admitted that he has become the focal point of blame and scapegoating in the complicated story surrounding the collapse of Menzgold.

Nana Appiah Mensah, while empathizing with the folks who have been negatively effected by the financial turbulence that resulted from the collapse of Menzgold, voiced his retroactive desire to have intervened sooner to prevent the issue from worsening. This was said as Nana was empathizing with the individuals who have been adversely impacted by the financial turmoil.

“Yes, I understand your frustration with what has taken place, and if I had it my way, I would make it right. He continued by saying, “And I'm making an effort.”

He reaffirmed that the first payment will be made on October 20, 2023, after the validation has been successfully carried out.

The company has stated that it has refunded approximately 5,000 of its clients thus far, but the chief executive officer did not disclose the total number of consumers who are due money, citing the fact that determining that figure is the purpose of the ongoing validation process.

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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