
Ken Ashigbey blames Forestry Commission Boss for Atewa forest invasion

Dr. Kenneth Ashigbey, the convener of the Media Coalition against Illegal Mining, has accused the Chief Executive of the Forestry Commission of the recent invasion of the Atewa forest reserve by illegal miners. This invasion was caused by the Chief Executive of the Forestry Commission.

In spite of the fact that the government prohibits mining in forest reserves, unknown individuals broke into the Segyemase area of the Atewa Forest on Monday, bringing excavators and other mining equipment with them.

Even though they came in quickly and set fire to the excavators and mining equipment, the Commission was unable to make an arrest.

Dr. Ken Ashigbey, when questioned by Citi News about the recent events, suggested that the invasion was caused by a lack of oversight on the part of the Forestry Commission.

“Those in charge of the Forestry Commission ought to be held accountable for their actions.” They want to act as though they had done something, but they didn't even notice that the excavator was in there! How did it happen?

“By destroying it [excavator], they are attempting to conceal evidence.” They are aware of who took the equipment, and as a result, we need to hold everyone from the Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry down to the Regional Officer and all the way up to the District Officer liable.

Regarding this specific conflict, we are unable to tolerate such a high degree of ineptitude and collusion.

Dr. Ashigbey has also cast doubt on the viability of the ostensible surveillance of excavators and the geo-blocking project that was initiated by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources the previous year.

“We have been told by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources that they are going to be tracking these excavators; we have been told that they are going to geo-block them; so how come we did not see them?” “We have been told that they are going to be tracking these excavators; we have been told that they are going to geoblock them.”

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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