
GNAT warns Teachers against sexually molesting, and impregnating their students

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) says it's become imperative to collaborate with the police and Victims' Support Unit (DOVVSU) to assist educate a number of its male members. United Nations agencies are either impregnating or sexually abusing the scholars they're supposed to be on the lookout for.

The President of the Association, Rev. patriarch Owusu, says there are enhanced cases and reports of male lecturers either sexually molesting their students or impregnating them. In an interview with JoyNews, he asked teachers to keep their relationships with their students professional and to remember that there would be consequences if they didn't.


The reports are increasing and the cases have become one to several. We want to be skilled in our dealings with our students. I wouldn't be happy if my kid was abused by any teacher at school, and I don't assume such lecturers would be happy either, he declared.

Based on this, the GNAT President said that the Association can work with the Ghana Police Service's force and Victims' Support Unit to teach people what the consequences of these kinds of actions are. This would make it less likely that these kinds of things would happen again.

He also suggested that the Ghana Teacher Prize should start in the districts where hard-working teachers in the country's hard-to-reach areas would be given awards to inspire other teachers to do their best.

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