
Don’t Use Ghana Card To Disenfranchise Eligible Voters-NDC

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) wants the Electoral Commission to get rid of the Constitutional Instrument right away, which says that the Ghana card is the only way to stay registered as a voter.

In support of this, Samed Abdul Mohammed, a member of the NDC's communication team in the Bibiani Ahwiaso Bekwai constituency, told AKUAPEMHANN in an interaction that there is a misunderstanding between the Ghana card and the C.I. But the country's constitution says that “any Ghanaian who is 18 or older and of sound mind has the right to register as a voter for the purposes of a referendum and elections.”

On the other hand, Kumi Frederick, a communicator for the NPP in the same constituency, said that the opposition NDC doesn't understand what the Electoral Commission is doing. He said that the NDC always uses what the EC says for propaganda, but they don't go to IPAC meetings that the EC puts on.

He also said that the reason why you can only register to vote with a Ghana card is to stop underage voters from making trouble at different registration centers.

The guarantor system the NDC is yearning for is the prime cause of unnecessary heat during registrations. They should rather encourage their members sans Ghana card to register for it in order to get the voter's ID.

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