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Frene Ginwala Biography, Wikipedia, Age, Cause Of Death, Net worth, Career, Family

Frene Ginwala Biography

A politician and journalist from South Africa, Frene Noshir Ginwala. From 1994 until 2004, he served as the first Speaker of the South African National Assembly. On April 25, 1932, Ginwala was born; she died on January 12, 2023. She played a crucial role in bringing about democracy in South Africa and significantly influenced the creation of the South African Constitution.

Childhood and Career

Frene Ginwala was a South African Indian who was born on April 25, 1932, in Johannesburg. He was an Indian-Parsi native of western India.

Frene Ginwala has published a number of books regarding various tactics for battling injustice.
International, regional, and local organizations and governments have recognized her work by awarding her.
After the Sharpeville Massacre and the imposition of the State of Emergency (SOE) in 1960, she contributed significantly to the establishment of subterranean escape routes for ANC (African National Congress) members.

Frene Ginwala accomplished this by hiding her identity. These individuals included Yusuf Dadoo, a key figure in the liberation movement, and Oliver Tambo, the ANC vice president. She also established safe havens for those who had to remain in the country. Leaders of the NIC (Natal Indian Congress), Monty Naicker and J. N. Singh, who were operating their groups covertly after dodging the police, were also driven about by Ginwala.

They were instructed by the SOE, which hovered over the nation for five months, to travel the province and collect money from unidentified benefactors in order to assist families whose breadwinners had been detained and imprisoned. This was done to assist the families whose breadwinners had been arrested and left them without money.

At the end of 1960, she was ultimately forced to depart South Africa. She, Tambo, and Dadoo established an ANC office in Tanganyika's Dar es Salaam, which remained under British authority until December 9, 1961. In 1963, Zanzibar's government was toppled.

In 1964, the United Republic of Tanzania was established.She engaged in a variety of activities outside of the ANC. She received her PhD from Oxford University, where she also tutored aspiring diplomats. She also contributed articles to the BBC and other respected news outlets in the UK and overseas. In the newly founded United Republic of Tanzania, Frene Ginwala assisted in setting up a communications system.

Frene Ginwala was appointed managing editor of the English-language daily newspapers Standard and Sunday News at the request of President Julius Nyerere.She traveled the world preaching about how dreadful apartheid was and how to oppose it for the whole time she was in exile (she returned to South Africa in 1991).

Frene Ginwala graduated from a number of institutions in Africa and other continents. She held degrees in law, history, political science, and philosophy from Linacre College at Oxford University.

During the first democratic elections held in South Africa, Frene Ginwala was chosen to serve in the legislature. She was nominated by the ANC caucus and selected by parliament to be the Speaker of the South African National Assembly. In this role, she worked from 1994 until 2004.

Frene Ginwala continued to work for several international organizations after she ceased speaking, including UN affiliates, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, and the University of KwaZulu-Natal as Chancellor. Ginwala was selected in April 2005 to serve as the University of KwaZulu-Natal's chancellor. She was one of only four women in South Africa at the time who oversaw universities.

On September 30, 2007, South Africa's president, Thabo Mbeki, asked Ginwala to find out if Vusi Pikoli was qualified to be the country's national director of public prosecutions.

In general, she thought Pikoli was a nice idea, but she bemoaned the poor departmental coordination. Additionally, she made negative remarks regarding the Director General of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, Advocate Menzi Simelane.

Frene Ginwala testimony was unclear and not supported by the truth or the law. She also expressed her displeasure with President Jacob Zuma's choice to assign Simelane overall responsibility for public prosecutions.

Cause of death

Frene Ginwala had a stroke two weeks before she passed away on January 12th, 2023, which finally caused her death.

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at 2Rvisionnews.com. Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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