VIDEO: Teacher breaks down in tears after losing life savings

Ghanaian workers

A teacher at a primary school in Akyeremade, located in the Ashanti Region, is in utter disbelief after learning that the property and the unfinished building in which he had invested his entire life’s savings have been demolished.

Prior to the customary land issues that led to the demolition of the structure, the building project had already reached the lintel level by the time work began in 2017.

The teacher is said to have purchased the land from a chief who has been let go from his position, according to a video that was shared on X. As a result of his inability to pay the price of GHS 100,000 that was requested by the new chief who took over, the structure that he had not yet finished constructing was destroyed.

Teacher breaks down in tears as house built with life savings is demolished

An online discussion was initiated earlier this month by a Ghanaian who resides in Canada. He asserted that it is not possible to maintain a life in Ghana with a monthly income of less than GHS15,000, and that anybody who find themselves in such a circumstance had to think about moving to another country.

It was stated by the guy in an interview that the sum of GHS15,000 is not worth much in other countries, particularly in Canada, where he currently resides. He pointed out that this sum is the bare minimum that one may anticipate earning in Canada, and as a result, it ought to serve as the gold standard for anyone who is contemplating whether or not to stay in Ghana or look for chances elsewhere.

As a piece of guidance for people who had recently migrated, the speaker urged them to put their necessities ahead of their desires in order to avoid living from one paycheck to the next. He made it abundantly apparent that “anyone living in Ghana who earns less than GHS15,000 per month must relocate abroad if they get the chance.” These words were his primary message.

After that, he went on to describe the high cost of living in a foreign country by listing a number of fundamental necessities that cause inescapable expenses. These necessities include transportation, food, internet, and lodging.


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