
Sachet Water Increment: Ghanaians Run Back To “Panin de panin”

According to the NEC, mini stores will now sell a bag of sachets for Gh9. The Sachet and Packaged Water Producers Association stated in a statement that the reviews act as a reference for all regional associations and to maintain uniformity throughout the nation.

Additionally, it issued a warning that minor discrepancies across regions could exist as a result of shipping goods to far-off locations. “Iced water bottles of 500 ml should be sold for GHC 2, while iced water bottles of 750 ml or more should be sold for GHC 3.

For 50 pesewas, water in iced sachets is suggested. Bags of sachet water will now be sold from retail trucks for Gh7. A bag of sachets will now be sold at little stores for GH 9 per bag. “These changes go effective on September 19, 2022, Monday,” it read.

The increase in power and water tariffs that went into effect on September 1, 2022, as well as the growing cost of inputs like gasoline and packaging materials, which are primarily imported, have forced pricing evaluations, according to the Sachet and Packaged Water Producers Association.

Sachet Water Increment: Ghanaians Run Back To “Panin de panin”


The increment has not gone down well with majority of Ghanaians as they believe things are difficult in this economy. As a result, many have reverted to the good old days when home made sachet water popularly called “panin de panin” was the thirst quencher and a savior.

Since the release of the information about the increment, many have taken to social media to embrace their old lover “panin de panin”, they hold the view that, the price of the old sachet water is very cheap as compared to the normal sachet water which has been increased. The  price of ” panin de panin” used to be 20ps.

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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