
Power Pass Power: Massive Reactions As African Leaders Are Bused, While Joe Biden Enters Buckingham Palace With An Envoy.

Massive Reactions As African Leaders Are Bused, While Joe Biden Enters Buckingham Palace With An Envoy.

The final funeral procession of the late Queen Elizabeth II is underway at Buckingham Palace, London, UK. The historic event has attracted the world’s attention due to the influence of the Queen.

Since the death of the Queen was confirmed, various heads of state have expressed their condolences to the people of the UK and the royal family. Scores across the globe have expressed their condolences as well.

The final funeral rites are happening now at Buckingham Palace. As a result, various heads of state have been invited. Among these leaders are some from Africa. Among them is Akuffo Addo from Ghana, Ruto William from Kenya, and others.

There is a saying that “power passes power,” which literally means someone is bigger than you, no matter your power or influence.

The African heads of state-contingent were given a dose of what they give to their subordinates in their countries. These leaders were pictured being conveyed into Buckingham Palace in a coach while the American president, Joe Biden, was allowed to enter the palace in his bulletproof limousine.

African presidents traveled to the UK to attend Queen Elizabeth II's state reception in a bus that also included Tanzania's Samia Suluhu and Kenya's William Ruto.

Many have reacted to this as a form of disrespect to Africa. Others also think they deserve it because they treat their people the same in their country. Others also hold the view that they were bused for security reasons in order to put things under control as they could allow all the president's envoys into the palace.

This has generated heated debate on social media across Africa. What do you also think?





Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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