
NDC leaders are all cowards – Owusu-Bempah; check out his reasons

Ernest Owusu-Bempah, Deputy Communications Director for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has called the leaders of the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) cowards.

Owusu-Bempah issued a warning to the NDC that any attempt to unleash violence during the general elections in 2024 will not be countenanced and that this warning will be taken seriously.

On Sunday, April 9, Mr. Bempah was quoted as saying, “They do not have the balls; they only talk.” “In the elections in 2024, the Ghanaian people will reject the NDC, and if they try any violence, we will show them pepper; we will crush them,” he added.

Owusu-Bempah went on to say that “Aseidu Nketia advised us that elections are won at the polling station,” that “they should learn how to collate results,” and that “they should learn how to choose a good leader, not a dead goat.”

“What is Mahama going to do in four years—is it dumsor, or is he going to impoverish Ghanaians so that he may enrich himself? We, the people of Ghana, will never consent to him and the NDC taking power in our country.

In his response, he was addressing the statements made by Ningo Prampam Lawmaker Samuel Nartey George, who urged his fellow NDC members to return to the revolutionary era.

Sam George was responding to Abetifi Lawmaker Bryan Acheampong's statement that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) will not hand over power to the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

On Facebook, he said the following: “My dear NDC! We are concerned about the ravings of scarecrows and simpletons who are trying to bluster their way into cult status. My thoughts are currently focused on Bryan Acheampong and Joe Anokye.

“Are we able to return to the good old days? We were born in the midst of a revolution! Can we expose these frauds and issue a challenge to them to prove themselves?

Who are these people who have suddenly become a threat to the National Democratic Coalition? How, if you ask me! Let us quit extolling the virtues of people who do not merit our attention and instead concentrate on the tasks at hand. Permit me to return to the reflections I had on Easter. Shalom!”

Members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) were reassured by Bryan Acheampong that the economy will improve in the near future.

He stated that efforts are being made by the government to reach an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He expressed his hope that the transaction would be finalized by June of this year, a circumstance that would result in the revitalization of the economy.

After participating in a health walk on Saturday, April 8, a lawmaker from Abetifi declared to supporters of the NPP in Kwahu with whom he was speaking, The NDC party will collapse.

” If the NDC is dumb enough to try to influence the 2024 election by threats, violence, or foolishness, we will show them that we have the men to do it. We will demonstrate to them that we have men available. We have men available.

“We, the NPP, will never be in a position to stand on a platform and hand over power to the NDC. That will never happen.” It will never come to pass! At any cost, we shall work to ensure that the New People's Party stays in power.

In addition, the previous Secretary of State in Charge of National Security stated, Now, with the way things are changing, the economy will bounce back again. I am telling you that we are going to come around that curve, and we are going to win the 2024 elections hands down.”

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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