
Stay away from these 4 types of women for your mental health

Men's mental health is an international problem, and it should be given.

Research shows that more than 6 million men experience depression, with some cases remaining undetected. In addition, since 2000, the rate of male suicide has increased, ranking it as the seventh most common cause of death for men.

Stay away from these 4 types of women for your mental health

Selecting a partner who does not contribute to mental stress is essential, as males frequently find it difficult to be vulnerable while facing challenges. There are some women you should stay away from if you want to keep your mental health in check.

The entitle woman
This kind of lady feels that since she hasn't done anything to earn it, she gets everything. She might think she has a right to your money and anticipate opulent things, even if it strains your resources. Being with such a person can be emotionally and mentally draining.

The ungrateful woman
No matter what you do for her, it is never enough. She fails to show appreciation, even when you are giving your best. A lack of appreciation can negatively impact your mental health. It is important to have a partner who acknowledges and values your efforts.

mental health

The one who is out of your league
If you feel that you cannot meet the expectations of a woman due to her high demands and maintenance, it is best to step away. Remember, there is someone out there for everyone, and the right person will not make you feel inadequate or overwhelmed.

The constant nag
This type of person always focuses on the negatives and complains incessantly. They fail to see the good side of things, even in positive situations.

Surrounding yourself with constant negativity can take a toll on your mental health. It is important to choose people who have a positive outlook and can uplift you during challenging times.

Self-care is way beyond your physical well-being, it is also not just about regular checkups at the hospital, eating well, and exercising. It also includes surrounding yourself with the right people who contribute positively to your mental well-being

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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