
I Asked a Millionaire if I Can Become Rich, With Salary of GHs500 And He Said This.

I inquired as to whether I could be rich acquiring GHS500 each month and I could always remember his answer. Quite a while back, I moved from my town to Accra for greener pastures. I will probably become a businessman or a musician.

Nonetheless, if you are new to the city of Accra, you really want to find a new line of work, particularly if you don't have family members here. I applied for one of the jobs that really energized me, hotel services, and got hired.

In the work, I generally saw individuals I wanted to be like while in my town. In actuality, I saw and touched some of the most expensive cars that I had just watched on TV; a few had number plates even customised in the proprietor's name, so I continued to let myself know I must be one of these individuals. By then, my salary was GHS500.

I Asked a Millionaire if I Can Become Rich, With Salary of GHs500 And He Said This.

I generally want to ask these individuals how I can become like them, yet I feel terrified in light of their level and way of life. On one occasion, I mustered the fortitude to connect with one of these rich individuals, yet didn't pose the fundamental inquiry I needed to ask yet. I'd rather ask him
, “If you have two primary dreams, music and business, which one would you pick?” He advised me to pick the one that my heart wanted the most. However, for his purposes, he would pick the business. So, assuming the benefit comes, he would use it for music.

From then on, I kept asking different questions of different clients to try to figure out how they could do well in the city.Some made it as a result of their educational level, while others made it by utilising their skills.
Then, at that point, I at last inquired as to whether I could become rich with my monthly salary of GHS500. Then, at that point, he said the sky is the limit, assuming I have the right mindset.

The right attitude would help me make the most of my salary, because if I can't make the most of my salary (GHS500), I probably won't be able to make the most of GHS10,000 either.

I Asked a Millionaire if I Can Become Rich, With Salary of GHs500 And He Said This.

He also encourages me to either save money to learn another skill that can assist me with making higher pay or save to begin a second job. I shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes with the many different tools I still use to get around.

From that day, I began putting no less than Gh150 in Treasury bills from my monthly salary with the expectation of beginning a private venture. You wouldn't believe how much that treasury bill turned in two years after rolling all over every three months by then.
I began a second job, which was going effectively until something happened last year, which I will share in another article.

However,things were not straight for quite a while, but rather another thing that assisted me with turning things around again was the man's recommendation not to be frightened of mistakes but instead to learn from them. I'm currently in my mid 20's and have been glad to pose this large number of questions in the past.

This post isn't just about me; it is also about you. By and large, if our salaries are low, a few of us don't make sufficient attempt to build them or consider new ideas. We get terrified of making mistakes, yet these feelings of mistakes just keep stagnating. Remember, the mindset is the key, as practically all successful individuals say this in their addresses. Saying everything would make this post too lengthy, so allow us to end it here until further notice. I accept this post has been useful to you.


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