
Hon. Inusah Fuseini Breaks Silence On Son’s Arrest In The USA.

The former Member of Parliament for Tamale Central for the National Democratic Congress, who also served as Minister of Lands and Natural Resources during the John Mahama administration, has finally spoken out over his son's serious case in the United States of America.


An American court convicted Abdul Inusah Fuseini, who is 31 years old, of fraud. He is accused of stealing money, conspiring to launder billions of dollars in cash, and committing two counts of money-wiring fraud. He might spend the rest of his life in prison in America.


The Honorable Inusah Fuseini spoke about the issue for the first time and defended his son. He said that everything was a conspiracy involving his son's closest buddies.


A telephone call from his son once informed him that he wished to enter an auction with someone. Inusah Fuseini learned that his kid had engaged in internet fraud and romance scams a few months later.


According to the honorable Inusah Fuseini, a section of social media users have lambasted the lawmaker for branding what they call “sakawa” as a setup. His son faces a 50-year jail term should he be proved guilty by the court in the USA.

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