
Haruna Idrisu wants unexplained wealth criminalized

Haruna Idirsu, a member of parliament representing Tamale South, has proposed making it illegal to possess money in the country for reasons that cannot be explained.

As part of his contribution to a conversation that was taking place on the floor of Parliament on Tuesday, August 1, he emphasised that it has become imperative to do that as part of the ongoing effort to combat corruption.

Haruna Idrisu wants unexplained wealth criminalized

“Declaration of assets is an important ingredient to measure income against a person's earnings and whether or not the amount you are earning is commensurate with your income,” stated the former Minority Leader.

“I have argued that Ghana probably needs to look at revising our legislation, criminalizing unexplained wealth, and shifting the burden of proof on unexplained wealth to the accused person at this point in time.”

Haruna Idrisu also made reference to the scandal surrounding the former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah, who tendered her resignation on Saturday, July 22, just 24 hours after the public disclosure of her stolen funds. In this context, he was referring to the fact that Cecilia Abena Dapaah had resigned.

“In fighting graft and white collar graft like this matter of Cecilia Dapaah,” said Haruna Idrisu, “a matter may be immoral but is not necessarily unlawful or illegal.” But where does the authority that the law itself possesses come from? It is possible for a certain action to be immoral or unethical without also being illegal.

The issue of the missing monies, which include one million dollars, three hundred thousand euros, and an unknown number of millions of Ghana Cedis, is currently being litigated in court. Wednesday, August 2nd, is the day that has been set aside for the recall.

Last Monday, July 24, agents from the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OPS) investigated her residence and reported making “significant findings.”

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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