Google has established its first AI lab in Ghana, Africa.

According to AI expert John Quinn, most people associate artificial intelligence with sequences from science fiction films, but it actually has applications in daily life, such as Google’s language translation services and virtual assistants.

With research facilities throughout the world in cities like Tokyo, Zurich, New York, and Paris, Google is attempting to position itself as an “AI first” business.

In order to support the rapid expansion of the firm’s AI research team in the nation, the technology corporation launched its first center in Africa in Accra, the capital of Ghana.

Google has established its first AI lab in Ghana, Africa.

What is web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0 (The Future Of Internet)

With the opening of its first AI research facility in Ghana in 2019, the tech center established its foothold more than three years ago. Google’s real estate project executive, Will Chan, showed Ghanaians pictures of the AI team’s workplace. He said that the office will help the team’s work.

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Google AI LAB

“I’m very happy to share with you images of the brand-new Google office that just opened in Accra, Ghana, to support the exciting expansion of our AI Research Team. Many thanks to the incredibly amazing team who came up with this gorgeous new place for us and delivered it,” Chan wrote on LinkedIn.

Google AI LAB

Agriculture, health, and education are just a few fields where artificial intelligence can be used, according to Moustapha Cisse, the research scientist in charge of Google’s AI activities in Africa.

Will Chan via LinkedIn, the source

Images by Flickartstudios

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