
ELECTION 2024: I’ll embark on sweeping reforms at the Bank of Ghana if I become president – Mahama

According to former President John Dramani Mahama, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) places the goal of reestablishing economic stability and inclusive growth at the very top of its list of goals as it works toward forming the new government in 2025.

Mahama stated that they will accomplish this goal by bringing several indicators under control to alleviate the suffering of the Ghanaian people.

“We will severely enforce prudence and responsibility in the handling of public funds by drastically reducing waste and ostentation, both of which have become routine under this administration.

Together, we will make Ghana into the nation that we envision. We are going to begin substantial reforms at the Bank of Ghana in order to rebuild credibility in our nearly defunct monetary and financial system.

“We should actively pursue policies that encourage strong local participation in our banking, financial, telecommunications, mining, agriculture, and agribusiness sectors,” as well as our manufacturing industries.

“This will be anchored on our plan to grow the economy and create sustainable employment for our youth,” Mr. Mahama said during the launch of his campaign to compete in the flagbearer elections of the NDC on Thursday, March 2, in Ho. He is running for the position of National Democratic Congress flagbearer.

Mahama continued by saying, “We will make investments in productive sectors of the economy such as agriculture, industry, technology, digitalization, and tourism to promote growth and produce jobs for the teeming youth who continue to lose hope by the day.”

“With the limited fiscal space that we are likely to inherit as a result of the NPP's mismanagement of the economy, a new NDC government will give priority to continuing and completing abandoned and ongoing projects rather than rushing to begin new ones.

This is because we are likely to inherit the limited fiscal space as a result of the NPP's mismanagement of the economy.

Under the fourth iteration of our republic, I will put together and run the most streamlined and effective government possible. We are going to dramatically cut back on the size of the government.

“I shall establish a government with fewer than sixty (60) ministers and deputy ministers of state, as I announced in my speech entitled “Ghana We Want,” delivered at UPSA at the end of the previous year.

I will lead the most far-reaching constitutional, political, and governance reforms under the fourth republic. These reforms will be targeted at restoring faith in our democracy and governance processes while also making life simpler and better for our people.

“In response to the concerns and calls for action that I have received from many of you, I will initiate and undertake the most far-reaching constitutional, political, and governance reforms in the hopes of restoring faith in our democracy.”

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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