
Eat Gob3 For Quality Sperms – Nutritionist reveals why

Eat Gob3 to improve the quality of your sperm; a nutritionist explains why you should eat beans.
Gob3, a traditional Ghanaian meal made of black-eyed peas that are cooked, has been included in several survival strategies, one of which is to improve the quality of sperm in order to ensure the continued propagation of the human species.

A professional nutritionist revealed the science behind the benefits of eating delectable Gob3 for more reasons than just gratifying our taste palates, as Helen Ampofo covered the topic on 3FM with her guest.

He explained how the nutritious content of beans, particularly their high fiber content, is one of the primary factors that contribute to the generation of high-quality sperm.

Because of its high fiber content, it should be considered a vital component of a healthy diet for producing high-quality sperm. Additionally, it has a relatively high protein content.

Because even with a high-protein diet, the quality of the protein being consumed is still highly essential, Gob3 has a very high protein quality. In addition to this, it has a relatively high level of carbs. If you examine the nutritional components of beans, you will see that they include a significant amount of carbs.

After further investigation, it was discovered that beans, or cowpeas (as they are referred to by certain indigenous people), are likewise loaded with the micronutrients that are necessary for the generation of sperm.

The dietician believes that the ideal Gob3 dish consists of beans that have been cooked in oil and then combined with either plantain, gari, or avocado pear.


Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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