
Conflicting allegations regarding man beaten to death over GH2 fee

There are several different stories regarding the supposed death of a middle-aged man on Saturday, October 29, 2022, which occurred at Lapaz after he was beaten up by a group of commercial drivers and conductors.

After being struck in the back of the head, the man is said to have collapsed to the ground and hit his head on the concrete pavement below after taking a blow to the back of his skull.


Edmond Antwi, who reported the incident via his Twitter account, stated that the man, who has not yet been recognised, died as a result of the strike, while his lifeless body was transported to a local hospital by the driver who punched him with the assistance of others.


When we went to the GPRTU bus terminal in Lapaz the day after the incident, the drivers and mates there were quite reticent to talk about what had happened, and practically everyone denied being in the area when it had taken place.


Those individuals who were able to confirm to GhanaWeb that they were aware of the occurrence, however, insisted that they were not in a position to comment on the subject.


As a result of the GPRTU office at the terminal being closed for the weekend during the time that reporters from GhanaWeb visited the terminal, there was no official available to comment on the situation.


On the other hand, a driver who spoke to GhanaWeb off the record suggested that the individual who was injured in the event was able to survive after being brought to the hospital.


After receiving treatment, he was released from the hospital the same night. “He even came back to the terminal to pick up a car to his destination and had the part of his head that touched the ground plastered with plaster,” he said to GhanaWeb. The section of his skull that hit the ground was caused by his hitting the ground.


Edmond Antwi, who initially reported the problem in a post that went popular on Twitter, recounted the incident to GhanaWeb and stated that he had every reason to assume that the man had died as a result of the incident because he was unconscious and bleeding from striking his head on the ground.


The eyewitness related that he, along with other passengers who had boarded a trotro from the bus terminal to Pokuase, had a disagreement with the driver and his conductor over an increase in the fares. The argument centered on the fact that the driver had increased the fares from what they had been previously.


According to Antwi, one of the passengers continued to complain about having to pay an additional GHC2 on top of his regular fare even after the other passengers had decided to drop the matter and move on. This individual was furious that he had to make the additional payment.


According to him, the driver was forced to turn around and head back to the terminal with the passengers still on board because of this, which caused the journey to be cut short.


According to the account of the witness who was there during the incident, the individual did not get off the bus when it arrived at the station. This is claimed to have resulted in a struggle between the passenger on one and the driver, his friend, and their colleagues on the other hand. The driver and his friend were joined by his colleagues.


An eyewitness stated that a taxi driver came out of nowhere and punched the passenger in the head from behind, causing the passenger to fall to the ground and bang his head on the pavement.


Edmond Antwi stated, in the face of criticism from others who had gathered at the site, that a taxi driver had the corpse of a guy who appeared to be deadlifted into his vehicle with the assistance of other people and then driven to a local hospital.


The eyewitness stated that he was unable to ascertain whether or not a complaint had been filed with the police regarding the incident in question.


Officers at the Lapaz Police Station, which is located a couple of hundred kilometers away from the bus terminal, have stated that they have not yet received any information regarding the incident.


I am Kwabena Annor, the CEO of 2R Vision News. I am a journalist and a professional SEO content writer. I write about politics, Tech, Entertainment, and any other niche you can think about.

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