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Nigerian woman, Clara Chizoba breaks record with 55-hour interview marathon

Clara Chizoba Kronborg, a Nigerian social media entrepreneur, beat the record for the longest interview marathon, clocking in at 55 hours and 24 seconds.

Rob Oliver (USA) set the previous record in 2022 with 37 hours and 44 minutes.

Ninety people of different nationalities and professions were interviewed by Clara, a chat show host on YouTube. These participants included politicians, entrepreneurs, actors, real estate brokers, and content creators.

The main topic of discussion for each guest was how they become successful in their particular fields.

Clara's obsession with the idea of achievement stemmed from her upbringing in relative poverty in Onitsha, Nigeria.

She said: “This record attempt was about bringing together diverse individuals, sharing their inspiring narratives, and forging meaningful connections on a global scale.

“I am committed to amplifying voices, particularly those of hardworking women, and using their stories to inspire others facing similar challenges.”

Clara Chizoba

Clara’s record attempt took place on a docked yacht in the Spanish city of Marbella, where she currently lives.

In addition to the usually sunny harbour being struck by a heavy rainstorm, Clara faced several difficulties during her record attempt.

She says her voice became “very hoarse and rusty,” but she avoided losing it by drinking lots of water.

As with all ‘longest marathon’ record attempts, Clara accrued five minutes of rest time after each hour of interviewing; only during these breaks was she permitted to nap, change her clothes, or go to the bathroom.

So, to compensate for the large volume of water she was consuming, Clara wore adult diapers throughout her record attempt.

“Even worse, my period started the same day, and I was already having intense menstrual cramps,” she revealed.

“At some point, I was dripping pee and period stain, but I persevered and kept my eyes on the goal. To anyone who ever reads this, once you find your purpose, go after it with everything you’ve got.”

Clara also suffered neck and back aches, which her team relieved with massages during her rest breaks.

Clara Chizoba

She struggled with sleepiness at multiple points but said she gained a “battery recharge” every time she began interviewing a new guest, as she was eager to hear their story.

Enduring all the hardships was worth it for Clara, who says it feels “surreal” to now hold this world record.

“Recalling everything I went through physically, mentally, financially, and emotionally—it feels so unreal,” she said.

“I am extremely proud of this accomplishment because I know lives have been touched and changed.

“This achievement is dedicated to all those who dare to dream and persist, regardless of the challenges they face.”

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at 2Rvisionnews.com. Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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