Bunmi Lawson Biography
The month of June in the year 1966 is the time when we gather together to celebrate Bunmi’s birthday. Her roots may be traced all the way back to Port Harcourt, which is located in the state of Rivers in Nigeria and serves as the state capital.
Her current roles include those of pioneering managing director and chief executive officer, both of which she has held in the past. She has been functioning in both of these capacities for a considerable amount of time.
It is estimated that by the year 2022, she will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 56 years old. Her exact age is not known. Due to the fact that we are unable to ascertain the particulars of her date of birth at this time, we are unable to discuss the zodiac sign that is associated with her at this time.
The subject of her spiritual upbringing has never once been brought up in the conversation that has taken place up to this point in time. She completed the criteria for her degree and other academic requirements at the University of Navarra, where she also obtained her degree.
She completed all of the prerequisites for her master’s degree and graduated with honors from Lagos Business School, where she had been the top student in her class.
Bunmi Lawson Children and Husband
At the present moment, Lawson is an adult woman who has been married to her current spouse for a sizable length of time. When she married the man who would eventually become her husband, she was just 24 years old. During that time period, he did not have a partner.

It is important to note that she was present at the time of their wedding. Her spouse is an essential component of the network of support that encompasses her, and he performs an important function within that network. This support network also includes her. However, neither the name of her spouse nor any information about him has been provided as of yet.
Neither of these details have been provided at this time. It’s possible that this is because none of them have been made public yet, and that’s the reason for this. It’s probable that the reason for this is that none of them have been made public as of yet, and that’s the reason why this is happening.
It is likely that the reason for this is because none of them have been made public as of yet, and that is the reason why this is taking place. This is the reason why this is taking place.
Bunmi Lawson Parent and Siblings
Olubunmi Lawson was the name that Bunmi’s mother chose to call her when she was born. The name Lawson is Bunmi’s middle name. Within the entirety of this piece of literature, there is not a single instance in which the name of her father is mentioned anywhere.
During their working lives, both of her parents enjoyed enormous levels of professional achievement in the field of medicine. Her mother was a nurse, while her father worked as an accountant for Shell. Both of her parents were employed full-time when she was growing up.
Her mother was employed by the company that is today known as Conoil but was once referred to as National Oil. Her mother was educated in a country other than the United States of America, where she was born and raised.
There is a sister affiliated with her, but we haven’t discussed her name just yet since we haven’t gotten around to talking about her name yet. There is a sister associated with her, but we haven’t talked about her name just yet.
Bunmi Lawson Nationality and Ethnicity
Lawson has the rights and responsibilities of a citizen of Nigeria given that he was born in Nigeria and continues to make his home in that nation. Her racial background, as well as her ethnic heritage, has not been mentioned under any circumstances, and neither has her ethnic background.
Bunmi Lawson Net Worth
Lawson is now the managing director and chief executive officer of EDFIN Microfinance Bank Limited. Lawson was the founder of the company and served as the company’s first managing director and chief executive officer. Previously, he held each of these posts. It is believed that her assets come quite close to having a total value of one million dollars.