
Ben Ephson Defends Akuffo Addo On Ministerial Reshuffle.

Editor in Chief and Managing Editor of the Daily Dispatch, Ben Ephson. The veteran journalist who is well-known for his accurate forecasts of election outcomes has come to the president's defense recently.

Ben Ephson, the Managing Editor of the Daily Dispatch, has gone to the defense of President Akufo-Addo after the President received backlash as a result of his decision to not replace government personnel chosen during his second term in office.

According to Mr. Ephson, the reorganization has had a significant impact on the success of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), as demonstrated by Kwadwo Mpiani, who served as Chief of Staff in the past.

In light of the numerous ongoing financial challenges, Mr. Mpiani has come to the conclusion that a cabinet reshuffle represents the NPP government's best opportunity to escape its current impasse. That was the issue that he campaigned against, and if nothing else changes, the chances of the party doing well in the elections are slim.

However, in a reaction, Ben Ephson has stated that the reorganization of government representatives has absolutely nothing to do with any of the factors that were highlighted. In his view, the “bread and butter problems” are the ones that will determine the fate of the party in the decisions that will be made in 2024.

“I differ … Every person who votes in the election that will take place in 2024 will do so based on whether or not he believes his life has been better since roughly the year 2020. Additionally, he will pick which of the two parties' policies he believes will be most beneficial to him “he conveyed his views.

The current administration, which is led by President Akufo-Addo, has been urged to rearrange its MPs in light of the New Patriotic Party's plans to “Break the Eight” in the next general elections.

According to the people who have come to this conclusion, this will not only restore faith in the public authority but will also restore trust in ministerial nominees whose presentations have been judged by the general community to be unpalatable up to this point.

On the other hand, President Akufo-Addo does not waver or waver at all from his decision to maintain the status quo with his continuing Ministers.

During a new meeting that was a part of the President's two-day trip through the Northern Region, he completely expressed that his government would not be seeing a ministerial reshuffle any time soon because he is completely blown away by the work that is being done by his Ministers. This meeting took place in the Northern Region.

“A significant number of them, in my opinion, have produced outstanding work. Their work has produced major results, and I make it a point to look into those results.

In the event that the outcome estimates the assumptions, I have significant areas of support for saying no with regard to the call “he said.

By Randy Osei Akoto Citixen

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