
Akuffo Addo is an Arrogant Failure – Joseph Yammin

Joseph Yammin describes Akuffo Addo as an arrogant and incompetent failure.

People have said that President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has a style of leadership that is characterized by apathy, even in the face of failure, at a time when the economy of the country is at a critical point.

Joseph Yammin, who has been a member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for a long time and was once the Deputy Minister for Ashanti Region under John Dramani Mahama, thinks this is the case.

Mr. Yammin said that Akufo-Addo has not shown empathy or real leadership during this time of crisis. He was talking about the president's speech to the nation about the state of the economy and what can be done to help the people who are suffering.

During his appearance on Ultimate 106.9 FM, he revealed this information.

“You know, it's not about the President's failing; it's about the arrogance of his failings; the man is failing with some pride; it's as if he doesn't care that he's failing, and that's a worry,” the speaker said.

“If you admit that things are getting worse, your actions should speak to that level,” he said. “When I listened to the excerpt of the president, and I thank God I didn't watch him because I was engaged in activities in my constituency that were productive, I knew his actions were going to insult Ghanaians like they always have and he won't say.”

“If cutting down the salaries of his appointees by thirty percent was his solution to our economic issues, then the president does not comprehend what is occurring, and I can tell you then we have a problem,” he said. “If I can tell you, then we have a problem.”

“We are yet to see any indication that when he said the same thing early this year or so, that is happening, what is the prove?” he questioned. ”

“Let me even ask, how much is that 30% cut by the president and his appointees?” he questioned. ”

He wants the president to promise the people of Ghana that they won't be allowed to fly on chartered private jets.

“The president must spare us and rather cease hiring private jets that are costing the taxpayer 20,000 pounds an hour and not the capricious so-called deductions of his appointee,” said one person. “The president must spare us and stop hiring private jets.” If you do the math and see how much money the president has spent, but he doesn't mention it, then you have to wonder whether or not he is serious about fixing the issue. The president goes on these trips, blows through all this money, and comes back with nothing. When he is feeling restless, he calls the jets, flies to Germany, and invites the women's wing of the NPP. When they arrive, they start singing “Nana show-boy, Nana show-boy,” which makes him very happy.

“He is failing arrogantly and with pride, and it's clear that he doesn't give a damn about it.” “I am aware that when he left Kumasi for Accra the next day, he traveled in the private aircraft at a rate of 15 to 17 thousand pounds an hour, so this man is encouraging all Ghanaians to embrace the trouble when at the same time Nana Addo is not in a difficult situation,” the man asked.

“He can make a public announcement that he will not fly in private jets until the economy is stable, and then we will know that he is committed, so the man doesn't know what he is talking about and he does not care,” the former appointee bemoaned.

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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