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Thief forced to carry stolen goat through township in public shaming [Video]


A thief in Atebubu was publicly humiliated and made to carry a stolen goat through the township in a dramatic procession.

A volunteer group founded by the paramount chief of Atebubu, the capital of the Atebubu-Amantin District in the Bono East Region, has exhibited an unflinching dedication to community law and order enforcement.

The chief assigned the group of watchful kids to combat the mounting issues of theft and drug usage, and they successfully captured a young guy in the early hours of Wednesday morning for stealing a goat.

According to the community’s established rules, the suspect was subjected to a public humiliation ceremony.

The thief was paraded through Atebubu township with the stolen goat on his shoulders, serving as a stern warning to those who may indulge in similar illegal activity.

This decisive step demonstrates the group’s commitment to maintaining justice and reducing crime in the neighbourhood.

The increasing threat of drug misuse and thievery
Drug usage among children has become a major issue, resulting in increased larceny and even violent crime in some regions.


Despite efforts by the government and law enforcement agencies, including the Ghana Police Service, to solve these reoccurring issues, the difficulties persist.


This emphasises the need for a collaborative approach involving parents, community leaders, and relevant institutions to address the basic causes of these societal evils.

Parents and community leaders must prioritise widespread education about the hazards of drug usage and stealing.

Deterrence requires a clear explanation of the penalties for anyone found engaged in such actions.

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) must also increase its efforts by carrying out its obligation to give extensive education on the consequences of these activities.

Additionally, traditional leaders, inspired by the Atebubu paramount chief’s proactive steps, should emulate similar programs in other communities.

Communities can work together with traditional authorities, local leaders, and civic institutions to create a calm and pleasant environment for all citizens.

The acts of the Atebubu volunteer group are an excellent illustration of how community-driven initiatives may supplement government efforts to combat crime and social issues.

Long-term solutions are achievable through education, vigilance, and collective action.

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