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Any woman having sex before marriage is a prostitute – Shugatiti claims

The Ghanaian actress Shugatiti has responded to those who have called her a “prostitute” due to her online behavior.

Shugatiti made the case that women who have several sexual relationships with males outside of marriage could be viewed as prostitutes based on their actions in an open conversation with Fiifi Pratt on Kingdom FM.


“I'm called a prostitute by some, but I think a woman is considered a prostitute if she has several relationships with men but isn't married. That's my perspective. I have only dated one Nigerian personally,” Shugatiti declared.

Shugatiti emphasized that prostitution encompasses more than just soliciting people on the street; it also involves people who are in many premarital relationships.

Expressing her indifference to online criticism, Shugatiti maintained that her perspective is rooted in a broader understanding of the term ‘prostitution.'

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“Prostitution is not just about standing on the streets. It involves anyone who engages in sexual activities with multiple partners outside of marriage,” she explained.

Shugatiti cited an example of a woman she knows who is dating multiple men simultaneously, attributing this trend to economic challenges. The comment has sparked mixed reactions on social media.

Actor Eddie Nartey sharing his thoughts on Shugatiti's comment wrote “I do not subscribe to that analogy. Ashawo is simply SEX FOR MONEY. So supposed you have had two relationships which was not based on the above mentioned, how can you be called Ashawo. Unless the definition has changed with the Gen Z’s”.

Any woman having sex before marriage is a prostitute – Shugatiti claims

In the post below, the Ghanaian actress also adds that many women rely on several men for various needs, from mobile credit to rent and wigs. Hear more from her and tell us what you think in our comment section.

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