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Octavio Ocana Cause of Death Video

Octavio Ocana Cause of Death Video

Octavio Ocana Cause of Death Video

We regret to inform you that on Friday, October 30, 2021, the actor who played Benito Roz in the television series Vecinos died away. Octavio Ocana died as a result of a terrible accident.


The adored Mexican actor, 22, was best known for playing Benito in the hit TV show Vecinos. He first appeared on screen in the episode of Chabelo named Chiquillos.

Octavio also had an appearance in the Mexican movie Amor letra por letra and Lola…Érase una vez. “We are undone,” said Ocana’s partner in Neighbors following the sad incident. Sleep is eluding me.

I’m shaking and crying nonstop, it says. Octavio Ocana, who played Benito in Neighbors, rest in peace. My sympathies go out to his sisters and parents. a huge, loving hug. Thank you for sharing your angel baby and for all the laughs.

May he rest peacefully in love and grace and be lovingly remembered. Please send your condolences to us in writing; it will be the only thing that will help his loved ones get through these trying times.

Another touching tale about sportscaster Ernie Johnson’s son, whose death was brought on by Duchenne muscular dystrophy, has also been circulated. Visit the US Celebrities Death News Section for further pertinent articles.

Octavio Ocana Cause of Death Video

It’s important to note right away that more information is still needed to determine exactly what led to the young actor’s passing. Some claim that Octavio Ocana’s death was caused by a gunshot wound, however the official cause of death was listed as a crash.

The star and his friends were intoxicated when they crashed into another vehicle while attempting to get away. A Mexican publication reported that the automobile, which apparently belonged to Octavio, was loaded down with weaponry.


Recent reports state that Benito Rivers was reportedly seated in terrible health but still moving his hand from his leg to his face and vice versa. It’s claimed that he was the driver and that the police had repeatedly ordered him to halt.

He was persecuted for failing to disperse his unit. It is rumored that he would have taken the item from his truck’s glove box that has generated so much controversy and would have been discovered holding it.

According to the pictures that have been making the rounds on social media, Octavio was located in the car while holding the item in his right hand. The object should be in the actor’s other hand because his supporters claim that he was left-handed and not right-handed.

The two occupants of the car are currently providing statements to aid in the development of the current inquiry. When the police were pursuing Octavia, the accident occurred as he was driving.

The actor allegedly tried to flee; had he done so, he would have crashed on the side of the road on Friday night and died. Cuautition Izcalli was the scene of the tragic incident.

Police attempted to stop the Te doy la Vida actor who was operating a gray Jeep truck, but he made an effort to elude them. The close sources have not confirmed Octavio Ocana’s passing or the circumstances surrounding the incident.

“Thanks for all the laughs and good times you put us through, Octavio Ocana,” declared Distrito Comedia. As the young Benito who “didn’t want to be an actor,” you will always be in our memories. We send our condolences to your family and friends and express our deep regret for your passing.

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