
NDC will go into the 2024 elections with our own referee – John Mahama

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) presidential candidate, former president John Mahama, has encouraged all relevant parties, especially the Electoral Commission (EC), to make sure that the December 7, 2024, presidential and parliamentary elections are held in a fair and transparent manner.

In order to preserve peace and avert civil disturbance, Mahama emphasized the significance of free and fair elections.

John Mahama
Former President John Dramani Mahama

The flagbearer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) emphasized the need of having an unbiased arbiter monitor the polls, referencing the excellent work of previous electoral commissioners such as Dr. Afari Gyan and Charlotte Osei.

“Dr. Afari Gyan presided over multiple elections as the electoral commissioner, assisted by a number of deputies. Dr. Afari Gyan continues to be regarded as one of Africa's top election commissioners to this day.

Charlotte Osei was appointed by me as the electoral commissioner, yet the elections that she supervised, I lost.

This points to the need for fairness and non-partisanship. Up till today, the NPP describes the election as the best and fairest election that has ever been held,” he said.

He noted that although he appointed Charlotte Osei, she conducted elections that led to his defeat, which underscores the necessity for neutrality in electoral processes.

“We are not accusing the Electoral Commission without cause,” John Mahama stated, referencing irregularities in the 2020 elections that he believes must be avoided in the upcoming polls.

John Mahama criticized the government's removal of three electoral commissioners and their replacement with individuals allegedly affiliated with the NPP, questioning their ability to remain neutral.

“There were several issues raised and reiterated about the Electoral Commission not being as neutral as expected. Indeed, it must be true that this government concocted reasons to remove three electoral commissioners and replaced them with people of their choice who are known for their NPP credentials,” he said.

John Mahama also expressed concern about certain Electoral Commission officials openly criticizing the NDC, calling their impartiality into question. He assured that the NDC seeks only a fair election where the will of Ghanaians prevails.

NDC will go into the 2024 elections with our own referee – John Mahama

“People who were patrons of TESCON are today sitting as electoral commissioners. If you go to the Bono region and ask about one of the deputy commissioners, Appiagyei, he was their elections director, IT director, and a communication member. Who do you expect such a person to be neutral in his work?” he asked.

The former President concluded by emphasizing the NDC's determination to ensure a transparent election, stating, “We will knock down the NPP to a level that the Electoral Commission can never overturn the results for them.”

John Mahama said these when he spoke at Christian Service University in Kumasi during its 50th anniversary on the theme “Sustainability of Democracy in Africa: The Ghanaian Experience.”

Randy Osei Akoto

A content creator, writer, blogger and digital marketer currently the Editor and writer at Believes in hard work and keeps up with latest trending stories making rounds across the globe in all aspects, from politics, sports, entertainment, health, business etc.

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